Schlagwort-Archive: Music

My old CD is published again!

Finally I published my CD „Polyrische Variationen“ again. It had been published 22 years ago by Badland Records in France. Its time to make it available again. Get it here The cover is different, as Kunaki has its limitations. If … Weiterlesen

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Some links…

For now I will post some links to music and code: Perfomance video and just the standard places, there is also another blog dedicated to my hitchhikers diary project: hitchhikers diary Not much there yet, but this will change… … Weiterlesen

Veröffentlicht unter Code, Links, Music | Verschlagwortet mit , , | 1 Kommentar


Wondering why I am TJ Shredder? I am a Terabyte Jokey…;-)
And as I programmed some years ago a little application which shredded any bad music into something more acceptable my boss gave me almost that name… Weiterlesen

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